If I were to be asked what comes to mind when thinking about this 2014 Grand World voyage, it would be ‘the weather’.
Apart from those famous ‘Cape Rollers’ off South Africa, we have had the most perfect conditions, in fact, having looked through the log book, it was almost 70 days before we even saw the hint of a larger wave. Some of my more experienced guests used to ask me if it was ever going to get ‘rough’, for some of them actually enjoy it
Now, as we make our way north-west, with the Silver and Navidad banks, of the Turks and Caicos group, in the distance on our port side, the winds are light and we are gently pitching in a long, north-east swell.
I believe I can safely say that we have all experienced an‘adventure’, seen wondrous sights and will take home many memories, which will remain with us forever.
When I reflect on our voyage, the weather at Easter Island, on my 3rd attempt, was beyond belief, calm as a mill-pond and what a lovely visit it was too, I think I deserved it after the previous 2 calls.
Another would be that of family members of our crew, visiting while we were in Manila. Heaven knows how many photos I had taken that day. And sitting in my office, seeing the children, wide-eyed and beaming with smiles, pop their faces around my door and wish me “hello Captain”, before dashing off giggling, to join their parents.
Of course, our visit from Archbishop Tutu and his family, 2 CEO’s and the Soweto Gospel choir, ought to be mentioned too. What a wonderful experience it was and one which I will never forget.
Now the packing begins, trying to find room for (another) large Buddha and an Elephant bridge.
I return here again on July 27th, Alaska-bound and more posts, whale-spotting faculties to the fore. I won’t be completely ignoring this blog and will try to post occasionally and especially when I see my daughters and grand-children again. Speaking of which, here are their latest to their ‘Gramps’. First, a video of Sam and Emily.
Thank you all so much for your lovely comments, unfortunately I haven’t the time to reply to them individually, however they are very much appreciated and I thank you.
Then Liz and Vi.