It’s been quite a week, not only having the family on board, but also auditors, for it’s time to renew our ISM/ISPS/ISO14001, quite a handful and then 3 ports in 4 days, well I need say no more. I am now playing catch-up with the posts
Naples, is rather an unattractive city when approaching from the sea, heavy industry, dockyards, cargo and ferry berths and an imposing fortress, the Maschio Angioni, which dominates the view over the harbour. It does however have a nice passenger terminal, which is a short walk from the berth. During the approach, one passes the Island of Capri, home of the rich and famous in the 60’s.
With our auditors on board, it is her that we conduct our Emergency drill for them, this involves summoning of our control teams, a mock fire and eventually, an abandon ship.
Time for a walk ashore. The city is the gateway port for Pompeii, the Roman town famous for its destruction by ‘fire and brimstone’, the explosion of the volcanic mountain, Vesuvius, which caught the citizens completely by surprise, preserving them and the city for eternity. No photos I’m afraid, Vesuvius was covered in cloud, (not volcanic, I’m pleased to say)
Off with the family for a wander around the city.