Near Singapore, heavy rain is the ‘blob’ at 9 o’clock. To the north, ships at anchor or entering one of the many entrances to the port. The thick purple line is the ‘Separation’ lane; ships going west stay on the right, going east, to the left
As we neared the eastern end of the Malacca Straits VTS (Vessel Traffic System) the number of ships increases exponentially. We play the ‘Horsburgh Shuffle’, ships going in all directions, those who are eastbound scatter, having completed the transit of the Straits, while westbound are all funnelling in towards a space that is less than 2 miles wide. The ‘Horsburgh’ bit of the shuffle is named so because of a lighthouse of the same name near the entrance to the Strait. Our normal standards for close proximity have to be put aside here, the lanes are not wide enough for such luxury and distances are measured in hundreds of yards now. The Bridge-watch officers have to concentrate here, no computers steering, good old-fashioned hand-steering with a Quartermaster.

The eastern entrance to the Malacca Straits; Horsburgh is above the first turn point on the right. The green mass is ship’s ID transponders.
I didn’t manage a shore trip, although Karen, Larry and Laura made it. Hop-on buses and the Zoo, to name but two. I write this from Port Klang, Malaysia and my alternative reporter is off on a tour, I’m hoping she’ll return with her Singapore photos, otherwise you’re going to be stuck with some of mine. (She just did ) For a change, we docked in Marina Bay cruise terminal, our normal Cruise Bay berth being occupied. It made a pleasant change, however the terminal here is vast, involves a long walk and, on the opposite berth, large cruise ships were doing a ‘turnaround’, masses of passengers packing the halls. Nevertheless, we had a nice evening outside, ‘appetisers and vino’ for lack of a better description and Debbie, our resident piano player, (+ other instruments), giving us her renditions.

The skyline, all this is reclaimed land; Mr. Raffles, (the founder of the now Singapore), landed 150 years ago somewhere behind those skyscrapers.

The skyline from the top, the approximate place of Raffle’s landing is slightly right of centre, near the small body of water, (red roofs), which is the Clarke river.
Yes, yes…Debbie and her sax leading the second line around the deck for Mardi Gras on the 2012 cruise
By popular demand you and she will add do much to the 2018 cruise. See you then!
Love the radar explanations entering the ports of the world
I just found your blog and I am so excited to get to travel along ( on my iPad) with 2017 journey. One of my dearest friends is your shipmate Leslie Neese. If you can please pass on to her that I’m follow along , miss her and wish you all continued safe travels.
Thanks again for your great blog and wonderful photos. We also hope you, Karen and Debbie are on board for 2018. Cheers!
Holland America is so so lucky to have Debby Bacon onboard!
She is an amazing talent and has such a great personality!
We enjoyed her entertainment every night we were on the World Cruise 2014. We look forward to being back again in the future.
Thanks for your blogs and the great photos.
Captain, I’ve really been enjoying your blog and my wife and I are looking forward to our 2018 leg of the world cruise from FLL to Hong Kong. I just heard that you will be our captain for that trip and am looking forward to meeting you in person.
I enjoyed all your spectacular photos. This city is one of my favorites. I hope that you will be the captain for the 2018 world cruise. We are looking forward to that. In the meantime we are sailing on the Voyage of the Vikings in August. Say hi to Karen from her Cocoa Beach neighbors – Gloria & Milt Marrone
Captain Jonathon,
These were spectacular pictures of a truly beautiful city. You outdid yourself. Thank you for the photo of our favorite entertainer, Debby, on board the Amsterdam. We love her outdoor concerts, along with piano bar, and look forward to enjoying them in 2018.
Thank you also for the descriptions of the entry and exit into ports. I find them very interesting.
Always so exciting to read and see what is next on the world cruise.Singapore was certainly one of the cleanist cities we visited on our world cruise with Karen and you! So pleased to see the Dear Debbie is aboard again.Will never ever forget that on 17March2012 world cruise,when we finished dinner and was walking to our favorite Piano bar…..shecsaw me and immediately started playing “Happy birthday” ..just one of the many great reasons Susan and I love the “Amsterdam”
Wow again, I thought we had traffic in DC? Great blog, thanks Capt.
Enjoying every single one of your blogs Jonathan.. Cheers.