20th January

690 miles from Nuku Hiva, we’re almost there, (arriving off Taiohae on Thursday morning)  We will be anchoring and tendering our guests ashore.

The weather is still marvellous,  temperatures in the 80’s, (high 20’s Celsius) and a following wind, resulting in light breezes across the decks, it’s somewhat hot out on deck.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am ‘eating my way’ around the World and last night I hosted our President’s Club dinner.  The cuisine was out of this world, (as were the Carbs 😯 ) and a delightful evening was had by all.


Karen and I with our guests

Karen and I with our guests


Tonight, yet another dinner, I’m not sure if I’m ready for it so soon after this  😕 .  I will persevere and diet afterwards!

BTW, thank you all for your comments, I am unable to reply to all them, however it is very rewarding, knowing that you’re reading this out there, around the World.

A medley of command, travel and family

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