Icoarici, Belem Brazil

We entered the mouth of the Para River (part of the greater Amazon estuary) at midnight and made our way up-river through the Quiriri Channel; a winding route between sandbanks.  It is poorly marked with the occasional buoy and we relied heavily on our Electronic charts and Navigation systems. 

The passage is just over 70 miles, the last 10 miles are with a compulsory pilot, who, in our case, sipped his coffee and offered advice as to depths and currents.  We are unable (too deep) to make Belem itself and instead have to anchor off this town, tender gusts ashore, where they travel to Belem on shuttle buses.  The Para river has enormously strong tidal currents, initially heading into the ebb when we anchored, we swung through 180° when the flood tide started.  It rips through too, up to 3-4 knots.

The tidal stream on the tender platform fenders.

I did not go to Belem, (too much to do) and left the ladies to ‘do their thing’.  I may be able to update this post if they have photographs of interest.  I did, however, take a quick run ashore, the purpose being to take some photos for our ‘port file’; these are files containing photos and notes about the ports we visit and are of enormous assistance when one visits next time.

A shore-tender alongside our platform

One of the 4 shore tenders

At anchor

Inside the tender

Waiting for this one to leave before we can dock

Lifeguards on duty too

A long pier…..

…At the end of which are steep steps

and a band next to the Shuttle-bus stop

It isn’t exactly clean…..

A dockside cafe and bar

A few stalls

We are meant to depart at 5 p.m. however I have my doubts if we’ll manage it, the shuttle-buses often have challenges and the journey from Belem can be delayed; the tender embarkation can be slow too.  I’ll keep my fingers and toes crossed.  Here is an ‘amateurish’ video for you.

Well, as I suspected, K1 came back with some photos 🙂 .  Most of the city shuts down on Mondays, however the market was open……

10 thoughts on “Icoarici, Belem Brazil”

  1. Well documented! The write up, photos (Karen has the eye – fabulous color) and the films. Captain, as always your time to post is most appreciated for those of us reading along as you sail along.

  2. Hi Captain Mercer,

    So pleased that you are well and truly on the way on the Grand World cruise 2020. I have patiently waiting to read your blogs and see the wonderful sights through the lens of K1 and your cameras. In time would like to see some photos of Amsterdam’s interior as thaat will bring back memories of my time onboard in 2013 Hong kong/ Cape Town. Happy sailing. Kind regards, Ted Dixon, Cape Town

  3. If K1 took all the pictures on Belem, she is getting as good as you or maybe even better. 😂
    Too bad Heidi Z is not sailing with you on your last WC
    They are on the Volendam SA Cruise

  4. Love following your blog posts, Captain Mercer. We sailed with you on the full GWV 2019, and this year will join you in Sydney through to FLL. We are the Guest Minister team on the Amsterdam. We feel better prepared by following the ship via the captain’s blog!

  5. Thank you, Captain, for your wonderful reviews! This is the 6th year I’ve followed you on the WORLD CRUISE and I LOVE it all… your pics, videos, and vivid descriptions of what you experienced!
    I was wondering why in ICOARICI, BELEM BRAZIL the “local” tenders were utilized instead of the ship’s tenders?
    Travel safe!
    San Antonio Texas

  6. Excellent blogs, Captain and great pictures of your wonderful ship as well as great scenery & markets. We enjoyed the blog about Devil’s Island as we were there several times. Wondered if you screened the movie Papillon with Steve McQueen & Dustin Hoffman….all about Devil’s Island. Look forward to more blogs. Thank you – we do appreciate you taking time to do this.
    From George & Jean in snowy British Columbia.

  7. Thanks Captain

    Not much has changed since our visit in 2012.

    The tide leaves the boats around the dock sitting in the mud as I recall.

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