Yes! We made it! The weather, after 2 previous awful calls, has been perfect. We still had a moderate swell of course, however that comes with the territory here. Guests and some of the crew have had an adventure and one more item can be crossed of their ‘Bucket List’.
I didn’t anchor today, preferring instead to ‘drift’ on our joystick; it’s rather like playing a piano with a finger, instead of both hands. The joystick controls the azipod drives and bow-thrust by use of a polar control, all one has to do is move the control in the direction one wants to go and the computer does the rest. It’s not the same as Dynamic Positioning as we manually choose the control, however it’s the next best thing.
There is a swell running into Hanga Roa harbour, quite manageable by previous experiences and the tenders run incessantly, taking guests ashore, where they join their tours. It’s hot and with a UV warning of 11, everyone is covered up and wearing hats.
I took a jaunt ashore for this blog, photos are a necessity, I probably had more photos taken of me than I took myself though . The inevitable stalls greet you on the quay, trinkets and of course, miniature moai. We have tents and ice-cold water and lemonade close to hand, a welcome relief from the blazing sun. Many guests choose to go to the National Park, where the moai are, others wander along the coast in the cooler breeze and take in the sights of the town and its restaurants.
I am unable to take the opportunity to go to the Park, so the moai photos you see here are ‘stock’, taken on a previous call in 2012, I’m sure it hasn’t changed much since then.
We’re off to Pitcairn Island, 1120 miles away, home of the ‘Bounty’ mutineers and we arrive on Friday after 2 clock changes. It has been weird, travelling west to Easter Island, but not changing clocks because the island, being Chilean, stays on Chilean time, even though it’s over 2000 miles to the west.
I have been anxious to read of more of your travels and so glad you are sailing and writing and, hopefully, enjoying yourself.
I’ve been looking forward to this entry! Last year I read your blog from the Library downstairs…this year it is at home. Glad you got in easily this time! Last year was pretty crazy and we were lucky to be on the first tender ashore. Love your header picture; if you have a moment, check mine out!
See you next year!
Captain Jonathan,
Glad you were able to have an easier call than our 2012 visit with you which, as you know, was quite a noble fete. Thanks for sharing, as always, your well written commentary along with excellent photos. Easter Island will always be an enjoyable memory in our travels thanks to your and your crew’s great skill! Will look forward to your continuing posts.
Regards and Cheers!
Hi Captain Jonathan, Have been waiting eagerly for you to resume your blog. It is great to have you back as I so enjoy reading and seeing pictures of your journey. Seeing pictures of Amsterdam brings bank happy memories of our cruise with you from Hong Kong to Cape town last year. Will continue to read your blog and hope to see Amsterdam in Cape Town in April. Until then good sailing to you and all aboard.
Best regards
Ted Dixon
Wonderful to see your new “blog”. Ardele and I were with you on the MS Veendam in 1997 and the MS Oosterdam in 2006. Two great cruises. We always enjoy reading about your “exploits”. Updates to your new blog will eagerly be watched for.
Seems to be working now. Yippee!