Category Archives: World Cruise 2020

Recife, Brazil

Recife is the capital of North-eastern Brazil and is known as the Venice of Brazil because it is bisected by numerous waterways and bridges.  5 miles to the north, lies the colonial city of Olinda, founded by the Portuguese in 1537, it now a UNESCO World Heritage site.  Nearby there is the Casa da Cultura, a former prison, it is now a handicraft market. 

We embarked our pilot at 7 a.m. and proceeded through a shallow (and relatively narrow) channel before turning through the breakwaters and berthing on #2 berth.

Our track inwards

Blazingly hot, the guests disembarked to their tour coaches, or boarded  shuttle buses to take them to the city.  Included in the group were K1, and K2; unfortunately I was not included, work to do, drills and, later in the morning Brazilian Public Health came to inspect us, just as well I stayed.  

Loading stores and provisions, 6 truck-loads in all. The tanker is taking our oily sludge, to be disposed of ashore.

Wind turbine blades, waiting shipment to wind-farms inland.

Having walked on the pier, taking photos for our port file, I stop for a cooling lemonade at the gangway tent. 

I was relying on the ladies for photos of course, K1 did not let me down.  They went to Olinda, saw the sites and (obviously :-)), browsed the market and enjoyed a meal.  here is a selection of her photos.

Olinda. The city in the distance and the Amsterdam

Don’t ask me about this one 🙂 K2 in Brazilian dress?

Some pavement painting?

We departed slightly late; waiting for a late tour coming back and the last of our stores loaded.  We had to back out of the harbour, it being too shallow and instead making the turn outside the breakwaters.  A slow and laborious operation; 1 meter of water under our keel resulted in a loss of efficiency of our azipods. 

We are now on our way to Rio de Janeiro, planning to arrive on the 19th.  This time, I am planning to take some photographs in this vibrant city.  Leaving Recife I took this as the sun set behind the city.