Category Archives: World Cruise 2020

Fremantle and the end of the World

We have been alongside here, in Fremantle for 3 days.  In my last post I told you that we were ‘keeping’ our Australian ports, however this was not to be.  Due to the ‘fluid’ circumstances in Australia, with impending shut-down, we cancelled Darwin, Broome, Exmouth and Geraldton and made best speed for Fremantle, Western Australia.  The days between were hectic, we were to disembark our guests while we still had the opportunity to do so, (while air travel was still available).  Our future ports were shut down to cruise ships, our ‘World’ cruise was not to be.  Having been pre-cleared for Australian ports while in Sydney, the opportunity was there to disembark guests without a 14-day ‘isolation’ period and with a nearby International airport.

It has been an emotional time for all of us; we have sailed with the majority of guests for years and saying farewell was a challenge for them and ourselves.  A great deal of tears and sadness.

On a more lighter note, while steaming towards Fremantle we passed-by the North Australian LNG fields and, above the reserves was the world’s largest ‘ship’, the “Prelude”.

She is an FLNG, or Floating Liquid Natural Gas production platform.  488m (1601ft) long, 74m (243ft) wide, she is 5 times larger than the “Nimitz” and, with full load, 600,000 tonnes.  Cost? Somewhere between $10.8 and $12.6 billion.  She is moored by a ‘turret’ to 16 sea-bed driven piles.

Taken by telephoto as there is a large ‘no-go’ area around the ‘Browse’ LNG field

The day after passing the “Prelude” yet another departure from the norm, a medevac (medical evacuation).  A guest, seriously ill after a stroke, needed urgent care beyond our capabilities. The Australian JRCC, (equivalent to a Coast guard) were contacted and we were asked to make best speed towards Geraldton, the nearest city with the necessary medical facilities.  A 45° turn to port and speed increased.  Almost 2 hours later and we were in range of helicopter capabilities and, with light fading fast, it arrived overhead.  Photos and video are better than words in this situation……..

We are are now loading some fresh provisions and will depart Fremantle in 4 hours.  Destination?  Durban, South Africa for fuel and thence to Fort Lauderdale, a 35-day voyage.

A strange way to finish, after 50+ years at sea, during which time I have experienced many challenges and incidents and one thing is for sure, I will never forget this one.

Departing guests have asked me to continue this blog during our voyage and intend to do so.