Category Archives: World Cruise 2018

25th January

The ports of call have been coming thick and fast, hence my inability to post for a few days.  Early mornings and busy days left me little time to sit here and write. 

Now we have a sea-day, having departed Moorea late last night we are now on our way towards Rarotonga, one of our more ‘challenging’ calls.  I use this term because the main harbour, Avatui, is situated on the north coast of the island and is subject to large swells and wind; we have to ‘drift’ on joystick here as it is a port where we tender guests ashore. 

There is an alternative area, on the west side of the island, however, as some of you are aware, several of our officers, myself included, had to take an involuntary ‘paddle’ there in 2016.  A tender went aground in the narrow ‘cut’ and guests needed to be evacuated before we could pull it off.  The resulting paperwork and, in my case, flight to the Netherlands to discuss the occurrence with our Flag State leaves me with but one choice, not to use it again. 

Papeete, Tahiti is one of the few ports in French Polynesia where we actually berth.  We arrive in the early morning and stay until 5 a.m. the following day.  We take stores here, unloaded from containers that have been shipped by commercial vessels; the logistics of our Grand World Voyage is complicated.  We also take fuel as it is Fort Lauderdale where we last did so.  Crews are drilled in a ‘General drill’ and lifeboats lowered to the water and taken away.  As you can gather, ‘no rest for the wicked’ even though we are ‘parked’.  My evening is free though and I enjoy a dinner ashore with acquaintances of Hazel.

The island of Tahiti, centre and Moorea, left

Papeete harbour

We leave at 5 a.m. for the short journey to Moorea, similar to many of these islands, a volcanic centre is surrounded by a lagoon and coral reefs.

North coast of Moorea. There are 2 bays which are used by Cruise vessels; Cook’s Bay to the right and Opunoho Bay to the left.  Our route is north of the intended track, while we wait for a cruise ship to depart the lagoon.

In Opunoho Bay. Initially we drifted on joystick near the tender approach channel, in order to accelerate the tender process. 3 hours later, we moved to the anchorage to the south.

Approaching Moorea

The reef to the west

The reefs can be clearly seen; our tenders had to navigate the channel, (darker water)

The tender pier is tucked away behind the headland. In the distance, a hotel complex with the ‘villas on stilts’

At anchor now and the reef to the east

Leaving Moorea at 5 p.m. we then set courses for Bora Bora, arriving the following morning (24th)

Sunrise and approaching the pass between the reefs.

Bora Bora; the ‘Pass’ between the outer reefs and the turn towards the anchorage position

Our anchorage off Vaitepe, (to the right)

..and a ‘visual’; Vaitepe ahead of us, towering precipitous mountains in the background

A tender returning and, in the background, another entering the harbour.

I managed to put my feet on dry land here, (in shorts, not uniform :-)).  K1, Hazel and I having been invited to go to the St. Regis hotel for a while.  Having tendered ashore, we jumped in a taxi for the 25-minute journey to the boathouse, where a boat from the hotel would meet us and take us across the lagoon.

Narrow roads and lush vegetation

Wind-blown K1 and Hazel in the boat

Approaching the hotel, the villas look tempting.

and from the hotel beach, more on the other side of the narrow strip of land on which the hotel is built.

I couldn’t resist taking this shot, it epitomises all one would imagine of French Polynesia

Crystal-clear water and fish in abundance

I was feeling artistic :-), a cool glass of wine in an idyllic setting.

My thirst-quencher.

Returning the “Amsterdam’, again, local kayakers race in the wake.