I realised this morning that I never sent this, it was in my ‘drafts’; somewhat late, however that is better than ‘never’.
This busy port lies on, (believe it or not ), the Klang River. It flows through Kuala Lumpur and is the gateway port for the city. On our right is the mainland and on our left, a very large island. Our entry is from the south, coming out of the Malacca Straits and heading north towards the river entrance. We don’t have to turn around to get out, we just continue, around the island and out via the northern entrance. Another day on board for me, catching up with affairs of state and meanwhile, the group, (I won’t call the the ‘mob’ in deference to Larry
) went on a tour, the Putrajaya Lake cruise. The entire complex is vast, over 11,000 acres with 13 gardens. After the cruise, a visit to the Putra Mosque and the Prime Minister’s complex. I’ll put my ‘navigational’ bit in and then Karen’s contribution.