We have had glorious weather since I last wrote; the wind, which has been ‘following’ has given us gentle breezes across the deck, the sun has been shining and the seas calm.
There has been intense interest, from guests, concerning the missing Malaysian aircraft. With the ever-changing story, it is hard to keep pace with the scenarios , however the Indian Ocean remains to the fore and we have been alert and keeping a sharp lookout, visually and electronically with our radar; (the radar would pick-up any debris field in these seas).
We have not been ‘tasked’ by any government agency to assist, although we participate in AMVER (Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System), a worldwide reporting system operated by the U.S. Coast guard; we are also participating in the reporting system for the HRA we are in, so those naval forces know where we are too. However, there a few, if any ships where we are, well off the main shipping routes, so it follows that we should do what we can. We are now 2,000 miles from the Malacca Straits, the flight’s last known position, so we will soon be out of any ‘area of possibility’.
We celebrated St. Patrick’s Day on board yesterday. A mass of green, as many of the guests and crew participated, (I refrained 😀 ). The menus had some traditional Irish fare and a very funny Irish comedian complemented the after-dinner celebrations.
We reach our destination tomorrow, of course, so I should be able to post some photos the following day, (we do not arrive until mid-afternoon).
I leave you with a photo of Violet, taken this weekend, she’s growing so quickly!