I have been at sea for over 40 years. Indentured as an apprentice in the British and Commonwealth Shipping Co, I served on Clan Line General cargo and Reefer ships, Union-Castle Mail ships, Bulk carriers and Container ships. I obtained my Masters Certificate in 1980 and served on Cross-Channel ferries as 2nd, Chief Officer and Master. I presently command cruise ships and have done so for almost 20 years.
Hello Captain Jonathan,
My wife and I are looking forward to sailing with you on the Around the World cruise in January 2019. We really enjoy your blog, especially the time lapse of transiting the canals.
Arthur Santomango
Patricia Mills
Thank you Arthur, I am looking forward to it too. Apologies for no posts from Alaska, the WiFi is too slow to post.
I just had to check the current cruise critic roll call to see if your back to work.

Sorry you did not report in to your faithful followers as you did last year when the Alaska run started for you.
Welcome back and hope you do post something.
Hi Eleanor, yes, I’ve been back for 2 weeks. Unfortunately, due to ‘internet ‘ woes, frustratingly I have been unable to post or download photos to the blog. I am sending this on my phone, however anything larger from a laptop for example is impossible. I do apologise, I am as frustrated as you are, I assure you.
Thank you for picking up on this and anyone looking will know the problem. Certainly will watch for your connection.
Just wondered when you will be re-starting “Captain Who’s Driving” ?
We so look forward to your postings.
Trust that you and the family are well.
Regards, Dave and Ardele
Happy birthday Captain. Have a great day.

and thanks for another awesome Grand World Voyage.
Good morning
I have just finished reading the book “THE PATH BETWEEN THE SEAS THE CRETION OF THEE PANAMA CANAL 1870-1914 written by David Mc Cullough.
What a story!!
Thank you.
Hi Jonathan and Karen ,
Happy new year to you both. We are looking forward to following this year’s world cruise with you again. Love to all. Stella and Pete xxx
Great to see you back for the “greatly anticipated” World Cruise.
Ardele and I eagerly await the e-mail notification that another “Captain, who’ s driving?” is ready!!!
A very Happy New Year to you and Karen. Wish we could be with you on this cruise.
I have a new email address as shown. How do I delete the old one?
I registered the new one.
Looking forward to the 2018 World Cruise (blog edition)
Hello David, I’m not sure, however methinks that if you register the new one and (possibly) unsubscribe with the old one that might do the trick. If you have a new one, then notification should be sent to that, once you have subscribed for email notification.
Thank you for your help. E-mail address problem resolved.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Not sure if you can read this email,but can not help to tell you how great it was to meet Gene Young.
Just got off our cruise where he is the CD 11/26/17
Do not know what reason he left HAL,but he was so nice and I Thought and told him he has a very nice speaking voice.
Told him how I get your world blogs.
Well if 2018 is your last I guess it comes well deserved after 40 plus sea years. Looking forward to the emails. Eleanor
Captain Jonathan, what an amazing, educational and entertaining blog you have created. I am enjoying your photos, videos and commentaries.
My husband and I will board your MS Amsterdam in Seattle on September 11 to join you on a 14-day Alaskan voyage. We are looking forward to trying HAL over Celebrity…your itineraries are much more interesting.
Looking forward to the honor of meeting you.
Gary Casey
I enjoyed your reports on all your voyages. I traveled on 7 W.C.
On the Amsterdam loved every one. Last time was 2017 from
F.L to San Diego. Hope to join, you in Sept. Alaska Cruise.
Have a great Trip
Fred Aaron
Excellent new time-lapse video. Thanks so much for your hard work in providing us with a great travelogue.
Kind regards.
Dave and Ardele
Captain Jonathan; I continue to greatly enjoy your blogs, especially the GWC portions. Having been with you on the 2016 GWC we missed 2017 but are looking forward to joining you again on 2018.
I have tried several times get your blog but have not been successful. I send my email address and get a response that a notice will be sent to me by email and all I have to do is click on “follow” but I never get the email.
That’s strange Walter, I’m afraid I don’t know what’s causing it, I’m afraid.
Great to see that you are back on another “tour of duty”. We always look forward to your postings especially the World Cruises. You have a wonderful family and we always look forward to your postings of your Grand Children. You have so much to be thankful for.
Many thanks for this outstanding “blog” for us to review.
Dave and Ardele
Captain Jonathan–thank you for a most exciting, first, world cruise. I enjoyed every minute. I heard you say your book had sold out, but I wonder what the name of your book is and when/if/where I may buy it in the future. Thanks again Judy Caven