I last wrote early on the 5th, we are still here, at anchor off the port, with a number of other ships.

A South African warship takes a ‘tour’ around us.
On the 7th, we had to weigh anchor, (a 4:30 a.m. call from the bridge, haven’t had one of those for a while ) We had to rendezvous with the Port Health boat once more, for another ‘swab’. Pitch dark, pouring rain and 30-knot winds as we weaved our way through the anchored ships. 10 minutes drifting while the deed was done and then back to our anchorage spot, 2 hours after leaving it.
By this time the wind was so strong that we were ‘sailing’ on our anchor chain, making a long arc on the 810 feet/ 247m of cable which we had out. Such erratic behaviour could pull the anchor out of the sand and so we resorted to going on our joystick and held her, head to wind for the remainder of the day and night. Tendering would definitely have been be a no.
Today, the 8th, we are slowly making progress, Pratique has been granted, one hurdle surmounted; now we have to wait for the departments of the port to their ‘bit’, we might even mange berthing tomorrow, if we’re lucky. We’re disembarking 5 South African nationals while we have the chance, who knows if they’ll have another opportunity. Fuel will be taken and some stores and fresh provisions before we leave. I will update you all later.
Stay well and safe and thank you for your comments too!
Good news for a change, Captain! All the best tomorrow (Thu) and then, hopefully, around Good Hope, into the Atlantic and homebound (FLL). Btw, that South African Offshore Patrol Vessel that displayed interest in you was SAS Makhanda (P1569), a Warrior-class strike craft/OPV, originally designed by Israel as part of their Reshef-class missile boats
coming on to a monrh on property here at the Jersey shore and don’t feel sorry for myself at all when I view what you are up against. Surely your patience is tried as you jump through hoops just trying to get on with it so you can weigh anchor and start across the Atlantic.
my very best wishes that you are swiftly invited to dock upon returning to Ft Lauderdale!
Hello Captain
We continue to enjoy your blogs, charts, pictures, videos and text. Especially enjoyed your walk-about on the ship and spotted our table in the PInnacle Grill. Fond memories. Yes, as a previous comment mentioned, you are a hero in our eyes. Thank you for keeping us in the picture as we sail with you in spirit. And, we had an email from Bruce – didn’t realize he was aboard ms Amsterdam. Wonderful guy! So, God’s speed as you continue on your final voyage home. Virtual hugs – we love you…Jean & George in BC
Thank you for all you and your team accomplished to get us home. Thoughts and prayers for all.
Look forward to seeing your new book.
Prayers for you all!
Captain, I’ve only sailed with you a few times, but may I say that it has been an honour and a privilege. Grace under pressure. You’re a hero to me!
Thank you for all the posts you have made on this extraordinary voyage. At first I was reading them to get a sense of what a World Cruise would be like as I was planning for the 2021 WC. But now am following your interesting posts about how you and your crew are coping with this world wide pandemic. I regret that I will not have the chance to sail with you. And I learned a new word today: “Pratique”. I had to look it up! Please keep posting. You write so well.
Hello Jonathan,

Jan and Dick
We are glad to hear you are all still safe and healthy!! We want to thank you for your wonderful attitude and help during our last days onboard Amsterdam! You kept us all going!! We are all home (after horrendous long flights) enduring self-quarantines and self-isolation! Wish people would do more social distancing and stay at home to try and get this stuff over with! Anyway, stay safe and healthy! Keep posting since we all care about you and the crew! Hugs to all!!
Captain, this is certainly a voyage for the record books. Glad that you “suggested” that we all leave in Fremantle as you are certainly taking a long trip home. Best wishes to you and all the crew as you are not far from our thoughts.
God Bless!
Thank you for your steadfastness. Thanks to you we are home and safe despite wishing otherwise in Perth. May your journey back to Fort Lauderdale be as uneventful as possible.
Dear Captain,
We so appreciate your ongoing, informative blogs. It certainly gives those of us in another kind of quarantine something to get away to another reality. Can you tell us approximately how many staff you sill have with you? Did many of the Indonesians disembark in Australia? Does most staff sort of “live” on the Lido deck? For example, do they rest and sleep up with the fresh air and wind?
So glad you made it safely to Durban. I just figured out how to post on your blog. In the meantime, the Amsterdam and it’s crew have not been far from our thoughts.
In that last angst-filled week your attitude was the only thing holding many of us together. Hearing your calm voice over the PA system and seeing your smiling face, note, I said ”smiling” not happy”, around the ship was very reassuring to us. I was reminded of Kipling’s “If you can keep…”. (Don’t know where that came from. I usually don’t quote old authors.) I’m sure in private you were pulling your hair just like we were, but you had the grace to conceal it.
I’m sure it was your attitude that calmed the crew as well. They were all supermen, spending so many extra hours sanitizing, pulling luggage, hauling laundry, etc., and all with a smile.
In our eyes you are a true hero. We will miss you being at the helm, but feel privileged to have sailed with you as much as we did.
Enough of the praise, although you deserve it. I wish you could give everyone aboard a hug for us, but social distancing doesn’t allow, so just let them know we are thinking of them and miss them a lot.
Hello Leslie and Handler! Thank you
Hi Jonathan,
So interesting to read about how you are experiencing this very unique time for us all but certainly from the perspective of the one who is Master of the vessel. I enjoyed reading of your earlier seaman days on the last post. The photos are much appreciated. Here on the mainland (Delray Beach, FL anyway) in the stores nearly everyone is now wearing masks or scarves men and woman in a variety of colors and styles.
Keeping well and keeping to ourselves. Best to you all for continued healthy sailing and smooth seas. Rosie
I wonder how the South African guys are going home as transportation is down in the whole country
14 days quarantine first Dirk
Godspeed all of you. We are still hanging on to hope that we will still be able to join the Amsterdam in October for the Grand Africa. You are all in our prayers as you bring the Amsterdam home. Many of your crew were with us for Tales of the South Pacific in October-Dec 2019 and we love them all.
Tallulah and OK