Well, here at last. My feet have hardly touched the ground since walking up the gangway on Saturday morning.
As I write, we are off the north coast of the Dominican Republic, making our way east towards the port of Roseau, Dominica where we arrive on Wednesday.
Joining the ship is always fraught with challenges; least of all are the logistics of getting several pieces of luggage from the car park to the 7th deck of the “Amsterdam”. That in itself is enough to make one wonder whether it’s all worthwhile. Of course it is, however at the time it seems insurmountable.
While I discussed the change of command with the Captain I was relieving, Karen (K1 now, because K2 is on board too), was meeting friends from another HAL vessel in port, my old command, the “Nieuw Amsterdam”. This gave me some time before another trip to the car park was called for, this time to plan logistics for a plethora of suitcases.
We were due to sail at 5 p.m., this seemed unlikely from the beginning, masses of stores to load, not to mention the thousands of pieces of luggage and taking fuel too. We were indeed fortunate to get away at 7 p.m., at last we could take a sigh of relief and guests could relax. A Sailaway party on the Lido deck seemed to have the desired effect, guests relaxing for the first time in days no doubt.
No photos as yet, I haven’t been able to unpack the camera gear and charge batteries, there will be some soon though. Now you know I’m alive and well. I will leave you for a while. I have 4 months to take you around the world though!
A belated Happy New Year to you all,
Sending best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year to you Jonathan and to Karen and to yours! Like Jane and Barry, Randy and I wish to be sailing with you. And you get our vote for best HAL captain and would have loved to sailed with you one more time. Bon voyage – I look forward to your write-ups and to photos. Safe sailing over the seas!
Fair winds and following seas.
Now the party can begin!
Thank you for taking us along. I’m setting my alarm a half hour earlier so I can read your blog and 2 others who are aboard.
Welcome back Captain! Just sorry we’re not part of the journey this year but we certainly loved last year….well, except maybe when we were trying to get off the ship. While trying to find our last piece of luggage someone commandeered the porter and cart that had been assigned to us after the long wait in line….wait a minute, that was Captain Jonathan! Although it looked doubtful we would make our flight as a result all is forgiven as the flight was delayed and we made it without a problem. Really, you were one of the best HAL Captains we’ve had and there have been a few we really loved, you included. Enjoy this your final World Voyage and enjoy that retirement at the end that you’ve earned.
thanks for including us in your email addresses,we staying home this year-Happy New Year. Our son called
Saturday morning to let us know the day was here and we would miss it. We watch the ship leave port. If Hank and Crystal are on board tell them hello and safe journey. Thank you for the email.
My mom and I were just on the nieuw Amsterdam on nov 16-23 rd sailing. It was a nice ship I really enjoyed the tamarind grill. The first for me. The bar guy that I knew from the Amsterdam back in 2008 was on that ship. He was promoted to assistant Bar manager now. His name is Herbert palmas or something like that last name. Nice ship like I said but the largest in the fleet I have been on. I got lost several times because I’m used to the Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The cabin my mom and I always book is the 1965 aft cabin. I kept finding myself going to the front of the ship several times thinking that was the dining room. Mom and I really liked the 2016 grand world. I wish I was on the Amsterdam right now. But I think moms health will prevent anymore long voyages. But we love the smaller ships in the fleet the best. Wish the smaller ships had the tamarind grill because I would be eating in those restaurants more.
So nice you are back at the helm.Have a great cruise as I’m sure you will even though we know your job is called work verses your passengers, you get paid while they paid.
Always enjoy your post because of the position you have, verses the passengers view
Am I right that this is your last World or any working cruise?
Welcome back! Now I can get on with winter. I was listening to the radio “chatter” around PEV Saturday afternoon as you were preparing to depart, and enjoyed hearing the bridge officer of Nieuw Amsterdam wishing your bridge officer a good voyage, and then tongue in cheek saying “we’ll be back in seven days”. Reminded me of the time Capt. van Donselaar said to me: “Johnathan sails around the world…….I sail around the Caribbean!!”. All in good fun of course. Have a grand Grand Voyage. Looking forward to reading all of your entries.
Happy New Year Jonathan and Karen. Oh how we wish we were aboard with you! Nevertheless Barry and I will travel along with you via your blog. Have a wonderful cruise. Sending love and hugs. Jane and Barry xxoo
Once again, I’ll be reading your blog from a deck or two below you as I am fortunate enough to join you on your last world cruise! Looking forward to all our adventures that we will have and know that, as always, you will take the best care of us. See you around the ship.
Linda R.
Favorite Capt.: Happy New Year! Going through J. withdrawal, so excited to get your post and WC anticipation. Have a safe, healthy and exciting adventure! Grand Africa for us in Oct, before returning to WC. Respectfully, Al/Ruth Wentzy
Hello Captain
We, too on “on board” with you – in spirit – as you again take us around the World. We enjoyed a month aboard Amsterdam Aug. & Sept. and mentioned to Daniel Bolton that he was looking after your ship very well! It was in excellent shape.
Bon Voyage and smooth sailing – we look forward to you posts pics & videos.
Hugs from George & Jean in BC
I am left on shore but plan to be on in 2021. I did get to see several friends in Fort Lauderdale before you left. Cruise Specialist was using the Renaissance Hotel as an overnight stop before the cruise. I am keeping in touch with friends via Facebook and your email updates. I hope you will still be in charge next year when I am aboard.
Georgia Brow
Happy New Year! Glad to see you back again. I’m ready for another virtual World
Cruise with you. I was on the Amsterdam for the Tales of the South Pacific cruise and thoroughly enjoyed it. As close to a World cruise as I could get.
Happy New Year!
Great to hear from you again!
We wish you all a wonderful cruise!
We have dear friends on this voyage and we are sure they will have a wonderful time!
Looking forward to your blogs as you embark on another world cruise!