Dear readers, I write as we about to enter the north-east Providence channel, as we start to weave our way through the Bahamian islands, eventually crossing the Straits of Florida and Port Everglades beckons tomorrow morning, after almost 32,000 miles and all sorts of sights and adventures.
Since leaving Funchal we have crossed the North Atlantic, unfortunately not in a straight line. This was due to 2 weather depressions, which definitely needed to be avoided, they had 5 metre seas in their centres and accompanying high winds. Both involved a dodge to the south-west, deftly avoiding the worst of the weather although, had we kept going on my courses to avoid the 2nd one, we would have ended up in Venezuela
I have had a myriad of dinners, events and social functions, I’ve eaten my way across the Atlantic! Nevertheless it has been a reasonable crossing and I have gained the nickname “storm dodger” .
Thank you for my birthday wishes, (I hit 65 yesterday). Karen and I were trying to keep it reasonably quiet, however we were stymied by an entry in the daily programme, stating this fact, it’s not often that one is ‘wished’ Happy Birthday 800 times.
I was caught completely by surprise in the evening, not often that happens, I can tell you. Believing that K1 and I were having a quiet dinner together, we ambled down to our Pinnacle Restaurant. It was not very busy and Tina, the manager, asked me which table I would like; I pointed one out and i progressed towards it. I had noticed that the doors to the large table, (where I hold my formal dinners), had its doors slightly ajar, the glow of the low lighting could be seen through the gap. It was then that Tina started to slide the doors open and there, in the semi-darkness, were the entire ‘mob’ and also officers and their wives, I was dumbfounded and must have looked it too. What transpired was a wonderful Indian dinner, (one of my favourites), curry and spicy food, prepared by some of our Indian chefs, what a treat and a lovely way to end the day.
I disembark tomorrow of course, then I have a day in Florida before flying to Amsterdam, Netherlands. Here is the 3rd and last Captain’s conference. A ‘heads-together’ with captains from the Group and senior executives. I am then going to see my ‘babies’, (the big ones and the small) before heading back to Florida. I started posting on Instagram during the World voyage and neglected to tell you. If you are familiar with the programme, I go under ‘djmercer51’, so you can catch up if you like. All being well, I will post while off the ship, obviously not as frequently and you might not want to read about life ashore anyway I rejoin the Amsterdam in Seattle, ready to go to the Great Land, Alaska once more and this will be at the end of July.
I wish you all well and I’ll ‘see’ you again soon.
Happy Birthday wishes from Randy and Rosie! Enjoyed following along – great maps, photos and descriptions of the 2016 Grand World Voyage as it happened on the ms Amsterdam by your camera or Karen’s.
Welcome home! Until next time!
A very happy birthday and a happy landing too. Enjoy the shore life for awhile. So wonderful to be with you onboard at sea and to follow the second half from cyberspace. Thank you so very much for making both so pleasurable. Best wishes as you enjoy land life before heading up to Alaska. Perhaps hubby and I will book something there just to visit again. Best thoughts, Lynn
There is little left for me to say as I feel the same as the above postings.
I want to be counted in saying a personal Happy Birthday. In the states it is great to become that age as we were able to collect Social Security. it could be a little older now, but husband & I did it at the number 62.
It has been fun reading and so glad you started this blog several Worlds ago.
Enjoy your Holiday
Wow! Thank you, so much, Captain for the wonderful stories and pictures of the 2016 World Cruise. We were certainly with you in spirit. Hmmm – going to Alaska in July – we might just hop on board and shake your hand once more. Keep well, keep smiling, keep on keeping on.
George & Jean in BC
Welcome home, and a Belated Happy Birthday! I well remember the last few days of my three Grand World voyages – bittersweet days… A sense of accomplishment at having made it all the way around the world, but a sense of sadness that we have to say good-bye to all the friends we’d made as well as the friends from previous cruises that we’d reconnected with.
Thank you so much for taking us along on this marvelous journey vicariously. Hope to do the actual one again sometime!
Thank you for allowing us to join you on your adventure around the world. God bless you and thank you for keeping my sister safe (K2).
Welcome Home! A FABULOUS vacation to you and we look forward to keeping up with your “global” adventures~ STAY SAFE
A PS to my previous post: Where ever did you find the space to put all of the purchases made by Karen 1 and Karen 2?? Would love to see a picture of the luggage when they disembark – too funny!!!! Best regards, Pat
Captain, How I’ve enjoyed your posts. We traveled on the Amsterdam in 2014 on the Grand Pacific/ Asia for 78 days. Other passengers touted how personable and kind you are. They recommended I follow your posts on the World. They are so right, I loved your journey. Perhaps some day we will join you for this magnificent cruise!
Congratulations on a significant birthday and another safe circumnavigation. Those of us who were unable to make it this year enjoyed your photos, your wisdom, and your witt. God bless you and your family. Enjoy your time off. We hope to see you soon.
Hello Captain Jonathan! Belated happy birthday!! Thank you so much for your blog. It gave us an opportunity to follow along on your magnificent cruise. The details of the trip and absolutely professional nature of the pictures of your many adventures along the way, made us feel as if we were traveling along side of you all. I must confess, that my original motivation was to vicariously share the trip with my grand daughter, Erin D. (show host on board). What I got was so much more – I especially enjoyed getting some insight into the difficulties of mastering the various ports, channels, and personalities you experience around the world. Thank you, thank you. And, now I’m heading to your Instagram site. Safe journeys!! Pat
Belated Happy Birthday. Thank you so much for taking the time to bring us along on your World trip. Look forward to the Alaska posts. We are heading to Alaska on the Volendam on the 18th. Only a couple of weeks to wait now.
Thank you Captain & may we add our congratulations to you on your 65th birthday. Glad the curry was good!
We’ve so enjoyed your posts, every time one came up I had a little squeal to myself..
Look forward to hearing from you in Alaska and enjoy your home time.
Best wishes from Wendy & Al
Thanks for taking us along & many happy healthy returns of the day to you! This is the only way I’ll ever do a World Cruise.
Welcome Home! We will see you Jan. 4, 2017 for World Cruise 2017, and we are mightily looking forward to it. Thanks for allowing us to vicariously sail with you on this one.
Happy Birthday Captain and welcome back home to sunny Florida! I very much enjoyed your stories and pictures. You and your wife are excellent photographers. May you enjoy a well deserved rest and relaxation before your next tour of duty