I write from Port Klang, Malaysia, tied up, (I use the term loosely) to a berth which is 50m shorter than we are; our bow is sticking out in the river. On the ‘outer; berth is the “Golden Princess”, also doing a Service call. We have come in for fuel, our waste disposal and a few provisions and I expect us to leave around 10 p.m. tonight after a 10-hour call.
What happened to Singapore you may ask? Short answer, they refused us entry. We will never know why, however they had an enormous spike in C-19 cases prior to our intended arrival, which may have some bearing on the matter, Anyway, all change, (where have I heard that before ). Re-wind, where to next? ah yes, Malaysia might be good, let’s go there. So, on the 23rd we were able to alter our course in the Malacca Straits and head there without any radical alterations. Then we had to start the task of clearance documentation all over again, different port, different papers. Arriving at Port Klang roads on the 24th, we were told to anchor while our paperwork was processed.

Small trawlers surrounded us while at anchor

Heavy rain, lightning, thunderstorms every evening in the area
So, at 7 this morning, we weighed at anchor.

My first coffee of the morning, I couldn’t resist this sunrise
We proceeded inwards, in the north channel, towards the Boustead Cruise terminal. We unfortunately, had to take a pilot, which we embarked at buoy #1. Pleasingly, he wore a mask, (no gloves though), however we were clad for war.

Prior to the pilot boarding and prepping up.
The Golden Princess had already got the outer berth, so we had to make do with the inner; much shorter than our length and with poor tie-up arrangements. It was, however, suitable for our needs for a short call, I wouldn’t have dreamed of staying here for a long one.

Radar of the river transit, the berth is at the 7 o’clock position

Optimistic fishermen

Approaching the berth, going to tuck in the other side of the GP

Stopped, now to work her sideways into the other side

Our next call? Jakarta and hopefully disembarking some of our Indonesian Crew. We should be there on the morning tof the 28th, however, I have learned by now, I’ll believe it when I see it.
Keep those lovely comments coming, some of them were published (anonymously) in our “In this together” daily HAL Group publication!
Before I go, some ‘retro’ photos.


Starboard side deck 7, looking aft
Stay well, stay healthy!
I am certainly following you with good thoughts. Gee, have you thought about making a movie about your last cruise? It would be a big hit. Or perhaps Candid Camera is already there? At least no one on board can get bored with every day bringing new adventure. On a more serious note, I am very happy to know you and HAL are taking such good care of the wonderful crew. You continue to make all who have sailed with you proud. Hang in there as this “Groundhog Day” will end well with Captain Jonathan at the helm.
Hello Captain and Karen, well you are coming along and surely ONE day you will all be home. We get excited when we see your “Captain who’s driving” in our in box.
Thanks so much for thinking of us when you are so busy and don’t know which port will be next. Hope you can take the various crew members home and then get there yourselves .
Bless you all, keep safe.
Hooray for two things: The Amsterdam finally was able to get fuel and, thanks to Dee Wescott, we finally figured out how to leave comments. We’re following you and Philip as you make your way hither and yon and hopefully back to the US. We were really happy to hear that the next residents of our verandah cabin are crew members; the certainly deserve it. Take care and love to Karen.
Amazing journey and “once in a lifetime” experience for you all, as is many sailors/passengers very first voyage. We’ve repositioned our world globe on the living room coffee table with Malaysia front and center so we can continue to couple our quarantine here on the far west rim of the pacific northwest with frequent glances at the Amsterdam with you, Karen and staff making your way next to Jakarta. Having been to that port once with you – what fun, we get to go again. Best thoughts to all of you.
Thanks so much for the update. Wishing you luck with Jakarta. What a way to end your last sailing before retirement. Think of it as a experience to remember. You and the crew were phenomenal with a smooth transition with the early ending of the 2020 World Cruise, and it was so much appreciated. Keeping posted by Hendikas, Rebecca, Yogi, Gea (Angus) and others. So miss these crew members. Be safe and well! Dwight #HALSTRONG
So glad you have found relatively safe harbor somewhere. Is the crew still changing the day-of-the-week mats in the elevators? I can tell you we could use a set of those here. We are following your journey closely and hoping the crew will be able to get home soon. I can see a third edition of your book based on this voyage alone. Since we are missing your nightly enlightenment with the chocolate I thought I’d offer you one:
May your ANCHOR be tight,
your CORK be loose,
your RUM be spiced,
and your COMPASS be true.
As you set sail may you find fair winds, calm seas, and the next safe harbor.
Captain, we are glad that you were able to find safe harbor and get necessary fuel and servicing. You are probably better off not being in Singapore right now. I’m sure all of your fine crew members are looking forward to joyous reunions and happy days ahead, as are we all!
HAL Strong!
Please know that friends from around the world are watching and waiting, and praying for the safe passage and return home for all. This is a very strange time we are living through, one that our children and grandchildren will be passing along to their families long after we’re gone.
Stay safe, stay well.
So glad to hear you have finally been able to dock and get some fuel & provisions. Know that the whole HAL community is praying for your safe passage to bring your crew home and your safe return home too. I worry about some of the crew that I got to know when I was on the Amsterdam in October to December. Namely Kaye (our wine steward) and Ferry (our table 50 waiter) who I know were still on for the World Cruise. Stay safe, stay strong and onto the next port.
Answered prayer and continued prayer as you head to Jakarta. As others have said we are tracking your every move via MarineTraffic website and Facebook updates from Philip. We enjoy your posts and photos and regret that in our many trips aboard Amsterdam we never had the pleasure of meeting you. This is a journey you, your wife, and all the staff and crew will never forget. You are not alone. #HALSTRONG # AMSTERDAMSTRONG
Tallulah and OK Bryant
Dear Captain J , K, staff and crew, although we are home, we still follow the travels of the Amsterdam as though we were right there with you. Keep up your spirits as this will end for all of you and it will make a great chapter in a book or a wonderful story for friends and family. Best wishes and prayers for the ship and all it’s special residents.
Great to follow your blog! I am from the Netherlands, my English is not very good, but I try to write this message. Keep up the good work! You and all the crews are heroes. Working under these strange circumstances.
#StaySafeHealthyHappy. And I hope everyone can get home safely.
Great to follow your blog. What a special journey due to C-19 lockdown. Been a long time since I enjoyed a world cruise on the Amsterdam under the lead of Captain Edward van Zaane.
Aloha Jonathan and Karen … I am so happy that you were ‘welcomed’ SOMEWHERE! We follow all your movements as closely as if we were still on the ship. We all hope you feel that you are not alone, because not only are all the world cruisers with you, but just about every cruiser who has ever sailed aboard the Amsterdam is following your every nautical mile. I also hope that Seattle is seeing all the support, not only that we cruisers send to all of you, but all the support from HAL ship to HAL ship!
Well Captain J. I have been tracking you thru the Malacca straits and kind have guessed you would either go to Penang or KL. It is one of our least favourite ports and so sorry you did not get into Singapore but hopefully into JKT. You will join the MS Land ship … lol.
Anzac Day here and Pat made the traditional Anzac biscuits . Woolworths were sold out of the vital ingredient namely Golden Syrup but looking outside the square, I found some at a small store. Wish we could send you all a batch but then your cookies are great! Love the photos. In 30 years time when you are in your rocking chair, you can look back at this adventure in life, and what an adventure it is.
We all hope & pray for a speedy trip home for both the wonderful crew and you & Karen to all of your family. Keep safe & healthy my friend