Overnight, as we approached the island of Madeira, the winds gradually increased from the south-west, reaching 50 knots in the wee hours, a portent of things to come perhaps? Funchal lies in a shallow bay, the harbour being protected by a breakwater which runs parallel with the coast.
Our plan A was to swing outside the breakwater and then back-in towards the berth, however at 6 a.m. in the morning, with winds outside of 35 knots, this seemed unworkable, turning involved putting the wind on our beam and way out of our parameters. So plan B was put into effect, straight in, bow first. Using the wind to our advantage, letting it push us north into the bay and at the same timekeeping the speed suitable, the intent being to stay with the bow pointing almost into the wind and negating its effect. A switch to ‘joystick’ as we passed the end of the breakwater and 15 minutes later we were alongside and making fast our lines.
Daylight broke and the sun burned off all but the most persistent clouds which were covering the higher hills and by 9 a.m. the sun was shining and guests were going ashore.
Funchal is a beautiful city, tree-lined boulevard and the temperate climate is ideal for blossoming flowers and fresh fruit. We took a shuttle bus from the ship, which took us to the centre of the city and from here we walked towards the cable-car, a ‘must’ for anyone visiting. It takes one up to the high peak which overlooks the city, not only that, it is the starting point for another ‘must do’, a sled-ride back down that same peak. A shuttle bus takes us from the ship, into the centre of town, the sun is shining and the streets are full of not only locals but tourists, some from us and the other ship in port, the P&O Aurora. We walk towards the cable-car terminal.
Then, the cable car.
Having reached the terminus, we stroll along a narrow, winding cobbled street, passing tropical gardens and lush, verdant pastures. 200 metres along the road is where the sleds wait and the most unusual ride.

Along the way, we pass an entrepreneurial gentlemen, selling fresh strawberries and cream; Victoria can’t resist, (nor could K1, K2 and Ivana)
We take a taxi back, down the hill, 3¼ miles to the centre of Funchal. Here I leave the ladies and return to the ship, this so as to give my 2nd-in-command, Thomas, some time ashore before we leave. I started this post yesterday and now, writing on the 23rd, we are over 300 miles west of Madeira and around 2800 east of Florida. The weather is cool, however it is sunny and seas are reasonably quiet. I expect some wind and swell tomorrow, (our Sunday) as we come under the influence of a weather depression rolling east, this time of year there seems to be regular procession of the pesky things, however this one should be too uncomfortable.
Happy Birthday!
Thank you again, Captain Mercer, for the opportunity to ‘sail along’ with you on the World Cruise by way of your blog.
Your comments and photos are always so entertaining and informative,
and an absolute delight! Thanks, too, to “K1” for her photo contributions!
I look forward to reading along with your voyages to Alaska later this summer, and, of course, next year’s Grand World Voyage.
‘Til then, here’s wishing you a happy journey home!
Thank you again for giving me (us) a world cruise experience from land. I have enjoyed your blog and your pictures. I have missed seeing some pictures of your beautiful grandchildren lately.
Hope to travel with you again…
Capt Jonathan thanks so much for all your blogs and photos , also thanks to K1 for her contributions. It was great travelling around the world with you. You certainly know how to get ones toes itching for travel. So enjoyed reading and seeing photos of Funchal as it brought back happy memories of when my late wife and I were there on Oceana in 2013.Toboggan ride is great. Have a wonderful vacation and eagerly await your future blogs.
Ted Dixon
Another World Cruise, another wonderful blog. A dam good time was had by all.
Have a Happy Birthday coming up soon and enjoy your time off.
Many thanks for all the charts, great commentary and stupendous photos!
Delightful to visit Funchal again. Your sharp, descriptive photos of Madeira bring past memories rushing to mind once again. Will await the transpacific episode next. Like other comments, I too will certainly miss staying connected with you and the lovely Amsterdam. Hope you will keep on blogging to your appreciative readers. Personally, you get my vote as HALs most competent and personable captain. Best to you and yours. Lynn
Another trip around the world and very enjoyable to be there with you with the writings and photo’s. Do hope you post one last one after you arrive in Fl. as how the final seas days went. Don’t just drop us.
Enjoy your VACATION OR HOLIDAY as you know it.
When will you return to the ship?
the 31st July, in Alaska
Thanks for your enjoyable posts of the 2016 W.C. The pictures are great. My best to some of the Crew.Henk, chiv, Raymund, Tina
From Fred in Las Vegas.
Have a great Vacation
Captain, it has been an INCREDIBLE journey to take with you. Thank you (and your bevy of beauties) for all your posts. While you will be glad to get home “soon” there will be a void in our lives. Thank you all, for each and every post!
Capt, I enjoyed reading about your travels and thanks for taking care of my husband, your SO! Also, thanks to you & the K’s for all the lovely pictures. At times, John wasn’t able to get off the ship but I was still able to enjoy the lovely locations. God bless and continued safe travels! Maria