2 days in this remarkable city; I first called here, as a young(er) man, back in the 70’s on cargo ships. I never dreamt I would command a magnificent Cruise ship in those days. The access to the harbour is via a long channel, part of it is without a pilot and then the latter section, a compulsory pilot boards. Pleasingly he left it to us to finish our Voyage plan and just helped with communication with the Vessel Traffic System controllers.

The approach track, along the mandatory Traffic lanes

The latter section of the plan

The final approach and turn towards the berth

Us on the dock, our track to the right, the Seabourn ovation is astern of us.
I have called here many times, been there, done and seen that, so I stayed on board while Karen went ashore and became my ‘roving photographer, (in between shops)

With the Taj hotel doorman

The Taj, renovated after the terrorist attack

The lovely interior

The Gateway of India, built to commemorate the landing of King George V and Queen Mary on their visit to India in 1911
While I busied myself on board, I took a break to take some photos for the post………

The frontage of the terminal building

The old decrepit Control tower, now serving as a roost for pigeons
The evening was a different matter and 5 of us went ashore to feast at Trishna, a superb Indian restaurant, the speciality being seafood. We shared a magnificent crab. I did not take photos that evening, however Karen went back there the next day for lunch…
Guests from overland tours to the Taj Mahal and Agra returned here and some officers joined and others left, their contract completed. Indian Immigration process, being what it is, did not go smoothly, however we were cleared to depart on time and we are now on our way towards Muscat, Oman.