Time seems to have flown by since I last wrote; every day seems to be filled with either having to be on the Bridge, or sitting at my desk with endless paperwork. I write now from Ketchikan, on our way north once more, 3 p.m. in the afternoon as my first opportunity to actually sit down at my laptop and write here.
I must thank you all for your comments, while I haven’t had time to reply to all of them, they are much appreciated I assure you. From Sitka, we set off towards Victoria BC and a southerly gale, fortunately, although windy, the seas did not build and it was a reasonably comfortable ride. Entering the Juan de Fuca Strait and a massive pod of whales, which has been in the vicinity for weeks, was there once again; 40-50 of them around the “J” buoy, a favourite area for sports-fishermen and they must have managed some wonderful photos as the whales wandered amongst them.
A glorious day in Victoria and then to Seattle, where we disembarked our guests and embarked our new ones; loaded stores and fuel and departed again. Ironically, the southerly gale we encountered on our way south had turned, to a north-west gale, so once again, we were heading into it. Murphy’s Law, as the Brits would say……
No unusual photos thus far in the voyage, not for lack of trying, my beloved whales have been scarce and the telephoto, ever-ready on the Bridge, has, as yet, been lying idle. I have however changed my time lapse to a ‘video time-lapse’ and am using a different (newer) generation GoPro camera, so I will leave you with this. I think it is much better, however will await your opinion