We are in Ketchikan today, having had a mainly sunny week although a strong North-Easter greeted us at the beginning of the week while we were in the Inside Passage. It made for an ‘interesting’ arrival and departure from Juneau, with 50 mph winds in the inner channels.
Again, this will be a medley of photos. K1 is with me this week (and the next), so I have actually put my feet on dry land, the first time I have done so since joining the Amsterdam in Seattle. It’s ‘downhill’ soon, time has flown by, our last cruise in Alaska this year is 18th to the 25th.
We heard this week that the Amsterdam will be on a 14-day itinerary in 2017, out of Seattle on a Monday and this pleases us enormously, it’s a great itinerary and one we have done before.

A view of the Tongass Narrows, looking south; the fishing fleet waiting off the Cannery, to unload their salmon.

A passing fishing boat, this one trolls with long-lines; baited hooks and ‘flashers’ to attract the fish.