I am formatting this post a little differently to previous ones. World cruises are straightforward; variation of different ports over a long period of time. Our Alaska itinerary is different, it is repetative and therefore does not provide a great deal of variety.
Having pondered this challenge, I concluded that a photo blog would be a nice solution, recording various moments of the week. This one, commenced in Seattle in glorious weather; however we then encountered fog for most of Monday, as we made our way north towards Alaska’s Chatham Strait for Tuesday. This brought us lovely weather and plenty of whale sightings, so many in fact that we had to reduce speed to safely weave our way through them. We managed to close the face of Sawyer glacier in Tracy Arm, only having to stop short so that we did not disturb the Harbour seals, resting on the ice floes.
Then on to Juneau and wet weather, as was Sitka, however Ketchikan, unusually, promises to be sunny, yeah!

The ‘Statendam’, anchored in Juneau, conducting helicopter operations; landing a new Ku antenna on the top deck
And now on to family 😀 , I have been sent new photos of Olly, Emily and Violet by their Mums.