I have always had a healthy respect for Cadiz, learned over several years of bringing a ship of this size (and larger), into the confined harbour.
The approach is through a buoyed channel, more often than not, with a strong current. One has to ignore the green buoys, they are in shallow water and instead, only use the red, which mark the north side of the channel. One is then faced with a 90° turn to starboard as one enters the breakwaters and usually, this is complicated with strong wind, (until inside the harbour). It’s a matter of using ones eyes, better to judge the turn than rely on electronic predictions, the human brain can assimilate far faster and more accurately, mark 1 eyeball is much better. One’s heart rate always rises imperceptibly going through.
Once again, no chance to go ashore, however Karen does, again. Seville is not far away and many guests take tours there. Karen goes wandering and a trip on the hop-on-hop-off bus.
I complete this post docked in Ponta Delgado, in the Azores. The first 2 days of the crossing were reasonably pleasant, however, (there’s always a “however”) a deep depression has been wending its way towards us and, as luck would have it, we met it during the evening before our arrival. Winds increased from the south and swell rose, the result being an uncomfortable night and a ‘taxing’ arrival. We are staying here an extra day, having cancelled our proposed call at Horta, Azores. This is an anchorage port and we would have tendered guests ashore, not a chance in these conditions, hence us staying here another 24-hours and then sailing direct to Fort Lauderdale. As I look out of the windows, being tied up here is a good place to be; waves pounding the breakwater and sending spume and spray high into the air. I will write about this later.
Thank you very much Captain Jonathan for your wonderful updates and pictures. I really appreciate you taking time to update us on this Wonderful World Cruise. I was able to live vicariously through your writings. I love how you personalized it and had us get to know a bit about your lovely Karen and your grandchildren. Also a thank you to your roving reporter Karen for pictures that she took while you were busy working on board. See you next year. Hope you are able to enjoy some time off soon. Lisa
Thank you, Captain, for your blogs and photos. They have allowed me to share the trip with you since I had to leave in Sydney. I am sorry I hadn’t signed up for the whole trip. Loved the photos of your grandchildren and know you must have loved having them aboard. Have a safe trip home.
Thank you Captain Jonathan. You and MS Amsterdam are a perfect match, seaworthy. Grandchildren are one of life’s great rewards, glad they could see you in action.
Captain Jonathan,
Hope the seas calm for you and you have a smooth TransAtlantic passage.
I hope you don’t hit the same type of seas the Carnival Spirit hit off Sydney. Not a good ride for anyone.