Glorious and cool weather has accompanied us these past few days. I write with Europe astern and ahead, the Azores. Back in the Atlantic and its rolling swell, we are gently pitching in a 2½ meter swell.
Our guests have enjoyed Spain immensely, many of them contemplating a return and a longer stay.
We follow a ‘Regent’ cruise ship in, the crafty Captain brought his ETA forward at the last minute and got ahead of us, a not uncommon occurrence. It’s a nice harbour, modern and with an expansive Cruise terminal with ‘jet-ways’ for guests disembarking and embarking. Another busy day for me, so regretfully it’s Karen’s turn to take the camera, (with a charged battery)
The city is spotlessly clean, with narrow streets and paved walkways.
Horse and carriage rides
Carousel on the seafront
Having departed, we make our way towards the Straits Of Gibraltar, a choke-point for shipping entering and leaving the Mediterranean. Traffic lanes exist for shipping, westbound to the north and eastbound to the south. It’s busy, a mass of ships entering or leaving and ferries, heading across to Africa, (Tangiers) and once through, we turn to the north-west, past the Bay of Trafalgar, scene of Admiral Nelson’s historic naval victory and towards the Cadiz pilot station.
Captain Jonathan and Karen,
Thanks for your photos of Malaga,