Long time, no write, my apologies, however my days seem to have been extraordinarily busy despite everything. We were in Manila Bay, up until today that is. We have departed to avoid Typhoon Vongfong which is passing the east side of Luzon and as a consequence, Manila port has closed its doors for 48 hours. The Armada of cruise ships have all left for sea and will, optimistically, return to the anchorage on the 17th, ready to resume the operation of disembarking crew. A complicated procedure.
I last wrote from Jakarta and we made our way towards Manila, arriving on the morning of the 12th and have been there ever since. As we made our way there I was surprised by a wonderful ‘farewell’ reception in the Mainstage lounge. Karen had told me she wanted to see the movie there and I must wear my Winter Blue uniform; what on earth? was my immediate reaction, however I acquiesced. I was greeted with a Lounge full of officers and crew and what followed was wonderful; various speakers, some tongue-in-cheek stories, (Thomas was particularly scathing, every incident he could think of, Tender 9, Bass Strait storm,….they just kept coming).

Karen had a speech too

There are some advantages……
Arriving in Manila Bay, we joined ships from Carnival, Princess, P&O Australia, RCL, Celebrity to name but a few.
Many of the vessels had been here for 3 weeks or so, when they arrived, a 14-day quarantine was required before disembarkation tests would take place. As a later arrival, quarantine was necessary the night before arrival, so we dodged a bullet, so to speak. Temperatures of all crew have to be taken twice a day and the disembarking Filipinos have to quarantine before arrival, we have all them in cabins with balconies, so they have some nice accomodation. The next phase in the proceedings is for Medics to board and check our temperature logs and take temperature checks themselves. The next phase is for a Coast Guard/Philippine Red Cross team to board and Covid-19 swab test the Filipinos ; that was done the 14th and we now have to wait for results, any time between 3-7 days usually. If all is satisfactory, they are then in a position to disembark, when a window is available. We are also repatriating some of our Dutch and American crew, later in the week, all being well.

The medics (29 of them) disembarking after the tests,

Their stand-by vessel
Some more photos.
As for Karen and I, no disembark as yet. My relief lives in the Philippines, however he has to go through the same ‘officialdom’ as those disembarking. It involves Embassies, Philippine Immigration and heaven knows who else, so we both hope that the efforts are successful and we might, eventually, disembark.
Enjoy your retirement! What a way to end a career.
Although we only sailed with you on one world voyage you will always be the standard of our Captain!
Dear Captain Jonathan and Karen,
All others have so eloquently said the words I ditto; it was a great pleasure sailing with you on multiple voyages and we so appreciate all you have done and do!
Once we hear word that you are safely disembarked to return home, I will move the world globe away from the living room coffee table where we focus on you, the Amsterdam and her crew daily off our centerstage and back to the office and thus close the chapter on this GWV.
May the wind always be at your back and the fresh horizon in your face. We salute you all and wish you the very best. Also if there is a way you could periodically update we, your admiring fan club on your continuing life and times, surely we would all be grateful.
Captain Jonathan, what a wonderful surprise! I wish I had been there to sing to you again.
I know I would’ve added a few verses by now, for all the additions to your “grand finale year”. It has definitely been one of a kind! You and Karen will have stories for many years to come, and I am sure that, as usual, they will all be told with a positive spin, a wry smile, and a touch of humor. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all of the crew for a safe and happy disembarkation.
Love to all, and please stay in touch.
So happy to see such a fantastic celebration for a fantastic Captain and his true first mate Karen! Ed and I had the pleasure of sailing on The Amsterdam in 2013, 2015, and 2019. We so wanted to be with you and your wonderful crew in 2020 but decided we could not miss our grandchildren’s activities and birthdays two years in a row. And so gratefully, we missed the challenges of this memorable time but still have regrets we did not sail with you as Captain on your last world cruise. Thank you for always thinking of passenger safety in difficult decisions and your graciousness in all matters. All who know us know Ed and I are not social media users, not on Twitter, rarely Facebook, etc (truthfully, I usually relied on my dear sister-in-law Rosie to keep us up to date . Thanks, Rosie
) But we are diving in here with
“Congrats and best wishes!!” for you and Karen. We so enjoyed meeting and seeing the world with you. Take care, Ed and Susie
Captain – thank you for the updates – it has been great to be able to follow along on your adventures. We had the pleasure to sail with you 2 years ago to Alaska. Best wishes on your retirement.
Dear Captain,
Many congratulations ! I am glad you went along with Karen’s insistence on the Winter Blue uniform! Handsome! A well deserved and earned celebration. I wish you could have provided the audio! I will continue following along until all are safely back home. Good luck with the stormy weather. Many thanks for your photos and write ups. Your faithful readers are “here” for you.
So wonderful to hear from you Captain Mercer. Hoping that soon you and your lovely wife will be on your way home and get to enjoy a well deserved retirement. I feel so privileged to have cruised on your ship. Prayers for the continued health of all!

Best wishes to all!!!
Captain Mercer,
We are so glad to hear that you had some recognition of how well you are admired and respected. It’s just a shame that we passengers could not be there to share that moment. However, knowing how popular you are, there would not have been enough room in the Main Stage for all of us!
So, we wish you the very best in your retirement as this might be our last post to you before you disembark the ship.
What a wonderful career you have had! We only wish that we could have finished this last voyage with you…
Stay safe and healthy and all the very best,
Richard & Esther Suen
I hope you continue to post your progress after you and Karen disembark.
My heart is broken to see the special environment I was in for 118 days, plus the extraordinary crew to be an abandoned. I’m sure, temporary. I pray that everyone and all close to them get through this with good health.
Congratulations! If anyone ever deserved it, you do. Wish it could have been while the passengers were still with you, but a tribute from the crew is really special. I know they appreciate all you have done to keep them safe. We really admire you for keeping it together on your crazy journey. You serve as a great role model for your officers and crew, and for all us passengers and readers.
So, so glad the end of your last world cruise is finally in sight. Hope the Amsterdam weathered the latest storm with ease. Not my kind of thing. I left your book in my luggage on board, but am already wanting to replace it with the one you must write about this journey. It will probably be catalogued in the Sci Fi section in all the libraries.
Don’t forget to take masks, gloves, toilet paper and kleenex when you leave the ship.
Thanks so much for staying in touch during the journey. Again, glad it is almost over for you all.
leslie & handler
Congratulations Captain Jonathan Mercer! You have been a fantastic Captain of the vessel and we appreciate all you have done for us. Actually one of my favorite adventures was being on Tender 9. Everyone was so calm (well almost everyone) and it was the perfect emergency drill and we who stayed on the tender all made it back safely.
We wish you a most relaxing retirement.

Oh Captain, my heart aches for all you have been through, this
Grand World Voyage! As I recall, it started out a bit less than smoothly for you (seems luggage was involved) and you are finishing the same way. But at least the end is now in sight!
One of the main reasons I wanted to be on the GWV this year was to be there for what I knew was going to be a grand party to celebrate you and your career as Master of the Vessel! Well, that didn’t happen, did it? Glad the staff and crew were able to do it now. You deserve all the recognition and accolades I’m sure they bestowed on you. Congratulations as you soon begin the “next chapter”.
I’m happy to see the amazing sunsets have continued for you. It seems they have been one more spectacular than the one before it.
Prayers for you and the rest of the crew and staff that disembarkation and further travel home goes as smoothly As possible and that everyone is home and sleeping in their own beds soon. Godspeed, and thank you, to you all!
Darn, we missed the best gala night of all. That was a wonderful surprise and well deserved recognition of the esteem we all hold you in. There are a lot of Captains on a lot of ships but you are our Captain on our Ship and retirement will not change that.
We were glad to see you were able to prepare for Typhoon Vongfong and be safely at sea. We were watching it and keeping the Amsterdam and crew in our thoughts. It should be May 16th there as I write this. Hopefully you are on your way back to port to continue disembarking.
Please tell Karen that the Health First gym has permanently closed to make way for the new Wellness Village planned as part of the hospital move. It will be a boon to the gyms in the area that offer classes once they can open. I haven’t seen anything on what the Wellness Village will include.
We hope your relief will be able to board soon. The first manned launch at KC since the shuttle stopped flying in 2011 is scheduled for May 27th. May you be able to watch it from your backyard rather than on television. If you need a launch party come on over. We’re having our own backyard viewing get together…social distance planning included.
Thanks for the updates and insider information. Continued best wishes for safe sailing, speedy disembarking, and return home soon.
Thank you so much Ken & Noreen, a trifle optimistic for the 27th, however we’re hoping June will see us back
That was one awesome and extremely well deserved surprise party, Captain! Very happy for you and a job well done by K1 and Thomas, among others!
Keeping my fingers crossed that your relief is able to board in the very near future, sending you back home! All the best Captain; it was truly and honor and a pleasure having had the opportunity to work for you!
Thank you John and it’s reciprocated!
Such a heartwarming post Captain J. And we hope that all goes well as you continue the processes to get you all home safe & healthy .
What a great surprise indeed in the showroom and well deserved.
Looking forward to the next post and of course, each month when you get home. Lol
Many thanks once again from us to you all