An uneventful crossing of the Bay of Bengal although, with the mysterious disappearance of the Malaysian Air flight, we have been keeping a very good lookout for anything strange. We docked at 7:30 this morning on a warm and humid morning. We came into the ‘old’ harbour, the original one, that is. For the past 3 years there has been a vast amount of construction taking place, a new container-ship harbour to the west of the old. As we enter our old and narrow entrance, I remarked to the pilot that last year, when we came here, there were no ‘box boats’ in the new, however this time, there are; apparently it opened to shipping last August. I used to call here in the 70’s, on cargo ships, this being one of them, slightly different to present mode of transport
We slip past 2 other ships to get to our berth, a tight squeeze and accomplished without incident. Alongside, on the pier, are the ‘Trader’ stalls, little shops full of wood carvings, jewellery and clothing, it makes easy shopping for many. Karen has gone ashore, for a reconnoitre of the markets no doubt, however I have taken the opportunity to post some photos. Hopefully, Karen will take some more, which I will post tomorrow. We sail at 6 p.m., 1230 in U.K., 5:30 a.m. Eastern.