I have always enjoyed this lovely town, I used to call here frequently while on the Nieuw Amsterdam and the Oosterdam; it is a quaint and friendly place and the gateway port for Olympia.
The day, being Easter Sunday, had Olympia closed, (I still couldn’t understand why despite this, both taxis and buses were offering rides there; entrepreneurial skill perhaps ).
The morning arrival was on a beautiful, calm, sunny day and the pilot, an old acquaintance, Stephano, joined on what appears to be a pleasure boat. The ancient stand-by tug was getting up steam as we approached. Friso took her in and we had to be aware of building works, extending out from the breakwater, (they are lengthening it) and the shallows to the north, it’s a tight squeeze.
It was a day for a stroll along the street and browsing the shops.
At the end of the town a small play area, where adults and children enjoyed themselves.
Stephano, the pilot, owns a restaurant on the seafront, however, being Easter, it and others, were closed.
He also owns a hotel, on the cliff overlooking the town and he invited us all for a wonderful Mediterranean meal, complete with barbecued lamb, beef and pork.
The ports seem to be rushing by, no sooner had we called here, than off towards Italy, Sicily to be precise and the port of Messina.
Captain Jonathan,
Glad you and your family were able to enjoy yourselves for Easter.